Pikes Peak Celtic Festival

The Pikes Peak Celtic Festival blossomed from an old tradition in Colorado Springs. The year 1999 marked the last year of the Pikes Peak Highland Games. In 2013, this festival came back like summer thunder under the new name, Pikes Peak Celtic Festival.

The festivals’ 5th year boasted more Clans and Celtic organizations than ever before. The festival field was filled with the sound of bagpipes, the smell of fish & chips, the sight of world champion Irish dancers, and events/activities for every age. The area is filled with the sounds of joy and revelry of old friendships renewed and new ones being created. As the Clans lined up to march across the field and were announced one by one calling out their individual battle cries, the massed bagpipe bands of the Western United States Pipe Band Association played the national anthems for Scotland, England, Canada and the United States of America. They did a moving rendition of “Amazing Grace” for fallen military men and women of all the armed forces and allies. The Celtic Athletes were performing their amazing feats of strength in the Hammer Throw, Caber Toss and Bale Toss. In the evening, world renowned Celtic Rock groups filled the air with their energy.

Everyone was welcome to learn traditional Irish, Highland dancing and taste the best in Irish and Scottish cuisine. The Pikes Peak Celtic Festival will be the main attraction of the year for the Southern Colorado area.

Article / Photos by John Root