(PHOTOS) Dance Gavin Dance @ Gothic Theatre

On this most pleasant Monday evening, Dance Gavin Dance will take control at a longstanding monument in Englewood, Co called The Gothic. This legendary stage has hosted many hardcore acts prior, but tonight’s show should be one to go down in the record books. Sharing the stage with Sianvar, I See Stars and Erra, the house will most likely end up very packed by the end of the eve.

I See Stars is always a fan favorite. Playing such their hits from both past and present, I See Stars combines electronic with metal core to create its own creepily fantastic backing to their guitars, creating unique personal style and sound. Getting amped up from the crowd, front man Devin Oliver jumps to the platform and belts out the highest notes you may have heard come from a man, to be received with open arms from the crowd, singing right along with him.

The headliners of the show, Dance Gavin Dance formed in Sacramento, California in 2005. The band’s sound can best be described as post-hardcore if you’re looking for a label or basically in layman’s terms, epically harmonic guitar riffs alongside of intense vocals all combined with melody and song. Amazing right? Just wait until you hear it all for yourself! They are perhaps most well known for their frequent lineup changes and the many publicized disputes between band members. However, to be honest, none of that matters here tonight. Once the music takes over your soul, all that goes out the window, as you become possessed by their beats. Ever transitioning, changing and growing is one of the main aspects that turned me onto this band. The smooth switch during songs between rhythm and hardcore make for an album you can truly listen to from beginning to end. With a highly skilled technical transition within most every song, it makes it hard to not have respect for this talented crew. While playing many of the crowds favs from the ‘Tree City Sessions’, ‘Mothership’ and their latest ‘Artificial Selection’ albums, I could see the crowd surfers coming in waves now. As the set list progressed, doing his slow bump n grind, vocalist Tilian Pearson gives all the women something they were looking for… a great show! Entertaining to say the least, Tilians strong vocals mixed with the heavier hitting sounds of vocalist John Mess all equal a dynamic sound that resonates through the crowd. To a sold out crowd I might add. There were no more tickets left by the time the opening band took the stage. It just proves that when good music is around, you really should not miss out! I truly hope you were here for tonight because go**amn did they ever kill it on stage! I would highly suggest you check them out if they will be in any city close to you. You can find out the tour dates by clicking here. I hope that you will be able to catch this powerhouse act sooner than later!

Thanks again for the read and make sure to stay tuned for all the exciting new coverage coming your way soon!

Xposer Magazine… where you go to be scene!


Photos by Teddy G / Xposer Photography