Monster Jam Triple Threat Series hit Denver last Friday

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The Monster Jam Triple Threat Series hit Denver last Friday night to an overwhelming opening night crowd. The stands were packed full of families and their children, cheering on their favorite Monster Jam truck competing in this west coast series competition.

Opening up the night was the race around the track with Monster Mutt taking the lead with a time of 10.495 seconds followed closely by Soldier Fortune Black Ops with a time of 13.371 seconds and El Toro Loco in third with a time of 13.564 seconds.

The 2-Wheel Skills Challenge was up next and holy smokes, this is where the excitement really begins! There were several electrical issues that plagued the night but all trucks were able to complete this challenge. El Toro Loco came out strong but ended up scoring a 6.934 landing him in 5th place. Grave Digger followed with a smash up performance, quickly snagging first place with a score of 9.658. Crowd fav Max-D scored a 9.374 placing him in second.

This being a triple threat series, the drivers will place in not just the monster truck portion but they will also be competing on ATV’s and Speedsters. This adds a fun little element and shows that the drivers are more multi talented than you would think.

During the donuts competition, Scooby Doo! quickly took the lead with an 8.656, Megalodon took second with a 8.396 and Zombie with a 7.606. The speedster challenge followed where Grave Digger defeated Max D in the finals.

The Freestyle competition, always a crowd fav was up next to close out the night. With amazing performances that kept you on the edge of your seat, Max D came in a solid third with a score of 8.089, Soldier Fortune Black Ops with a 9.074 and Grave Digger with the ultimate 9.445 to win the night.

For friday nights show, the overall winner was Grave Digger with 36 total event points, Max D took second with 32 event points and Soldier Fortune Black Ops with 30 event points. To check out all of the score listings, click on the link below.

Monster Jam Triple Threat Series Final Results

This event always gets me excited. Something about the roar of the engines just reminds me of my youthful days. So much fun to see this competition each year when it comes to Denver, a lot may not know but you are allowed to cast your vote during the competition on the Judge’s Corner app. A pretty neat interactive feature if you ask me! I would highly recommend checking out this show the next time they are in town. So much fun for the whole family! Hope to see you there next year!!

Till next time, stay tuned to Xposer Magazine… where you go, to be scene!

Ciao, Bella

Photos from last Years Event

Monster Jam Triple Threat Series