Isaac Spooner
I recently had the chance to chat with one of the primary characters from the upcoming Marvel Universe Live performance coming to Denver on August 4-6. Isaac Spooner plays the StarLord in this spectacular live show and at 25 years old has already been working hard in the theater world. Having graduated from Utah State University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts & Acting, Isaac has worked in many stage performances, including Shrek the Musical and even Shakespearean plays! In fact, one of his most favorite memories was when he was performing the Shakespeare play ‘The Tempest’ in which he played the role of Ariel, a very energetic spirit with a look-at-me attitude.
At only 19, Isaac had been recently learning parkour and decided to incorporate some of the moves into his act. “Everything was going great, I entered the beginning of the play with a front somersault onto the stage, had no issues with any of my flips or tricks until the very end of the play. After my very last line, about five minutes passes by to give the others time to exit the stage and onto the boat and all I have left to do is a flip off the stage and into the crowd.” Having performed this maneuver countless times before, Isaac had no clue what was about to happen next. “As I flipped off the stage, my left foot planted but my right one did not and at that time my right knee buckled in and that was it”. Having torn his ACL and ripping his cartilage, Isaac tried to get up only realizing he could not put pressure on his right leg.
You may wonder why this would be his favorite recant? It’s because of what happened next. “They immediately took me to the hospital, in full costume, sheer tunic and gray snake skin pattern pants”. You could imagine how comical this must have been for everyone involved. Since this unfortunate event, Isaac has had surgery and quite obviously has not let that get him down.
Working even more diligently to accomplish his dreams and poof! He is offered a chance to be a part of the Marvel Universe Live team. When asked how that made him feel to make it through the gambit of auditions to be chosen for StarLord, he replies with “I’m a guy”, simply put. Isaac is excited to be coming back to Denver, “It’s a bit of nostalgia for me”, given that his aunt used to live here. His family has always been such a major support for him and a fuel for encouragement. Having only a little bit of theater experience between both mom and dad, Isaac has definitely made his own mark and his parents are excited to see how far he has come and where he has yet to go. I think that is something we all share!
Make sure to check out Marvel Universe Live coming next weekend and check out our Facebook page to make sure you do not miss any future events coming your way soon!
Thanks again for the read