5th Annual Villain Arts Denver 2022

The 5th Annual Villain Art’s Tattoo Convention was amazing to walk through this year and the pictures will show you why! Due to COVID everything had been cancelled and now everyone is welcoming back life as we know it with open arms. And if those arms had any empty spaces on them, then they were getting tattooed lol. 

We have all become familiar with the scene however Villain Art’s takes that to the next level inviting the best of the best to ink up your skin,and if you’re just not sure yet, then there is plenty to look around at to develop where you want to go. 

Is anyone here a fan of suspension?

During the convention, these performers go above and beyond your traditional “piercing”, taking that stigma away and showing how healing this extreme measure can be for some.Everyone starts as a beginner progressing into the more affluent artists that have obviously been doing this for many years before. 

As always to wrap things up prizes and awards were handed out to the winners of ‘Best Color’ and such. So many great pieces of art on display! If you see your photo, tag yourself in it! I saw some amazing creations this weekend. Hope you were able to step out and enjoy the good times!

Till next time, 



📷 Curt Thompson