It was a blast from the past last Thursday night as two headliners from the 90’s take over the stage at Herman’s Hideaway. With doors opening at 7, there was a line wrapping around the building, well before that time, proving this was going to be one packed house for the eve. Who knew that nostalgia could sell so many tickets?
Opening the house was one of Denver’s own heavy hitters, The World Famous Johnsons. Always fabulously styled out by the talented Melissa Wiley who owns Metal Monkey Clothing, the boys looked as good as they sounded as they cranked out many of their well known hits. If you haven’t had the chance to check them out live, you can download their music by clicking the link below:
With the crowd heavily involved dancing and moving along, they closed out their set and another local talent takes the stage.
Lost Point is well known for their talent here in Denver, with heavy riffs accompanied by strong vocals, this band has taken the music scene by storm, even being named the best band in Denver by Clear Channel. You can clearly see how their music moves people while looking out over the crowd. This band is looking to tour the national route soon, and opening up for both Marcy Playground and Fuel, has expanded their listening audience just that much more.
After a brief intermission and some time outdoors for me, Marcy Playground takes the stage and I was a little shocked by how normal they all looked. I guess I imagined they would all still be a little grungy-looking, but looked more like everyday people instead. Playing some of their more well-known tracks from their debut self titled CD, as well as some of their more obscure ones, the crowd was still in heavy participation singing along with parts that they knew. Closing out their set with what some would say was their Noe hit, ‘Sex and Candy’, and took a bow as they left the stage with people clammering to hear more.
Most in attendance tonight were there to see Fuel. Closing out the night, the room was packed to the brim by this time making for one hot hot night. Brett Scallions opens the show with his crisp, notable voice crooning the song ‘Last Time’. The audience immediately erupts and starts to sing and dance along. Leading into another couple of hits ‘Bad Day’, ‘Sunburn’ and ‘Shimmer’ they follow that up with a cover of Tom Petty’s ‘Last Dance with Mary Jane’ and again the crowd dances along. I had forgotten just how many hits this band had really put out there and was immediately pulled back into my high school days where you could always find me with my head in the clouds and music in my ears. Ending the night with ‘Bitter Sweet’ and ‘Hemorrhage’ I was almost sad to see it end. What a good way to relive your youth by getting a chance to see bands I never got to see when I was younger. An awesome start to the weekend and a great night of awesome music.
Special thanks to Herman’s Hideaway and their crew for hosting us and all the fabulous music. Check out what they have coming up by clicking on the link below:
Herman’s Hideaway link to shows
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Rage On!
Photos by John Root