The price for posting a help-wanted ad is $26 per month, unless you are an advertiser, then payment is waived.
This is a two part process for verification and security.
Step 1 Fill out the information for the position opening.
Step 2 Make payment on our secure payment portal.
Please allow up to 72 hours for posting to become visible.
In job description, please inform us if contact information is to be made visible in ad.
All other contact information will remain private and for our office use only.
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Job Form’][contact-field label=’Job Category’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Accounting / Finance,Admin %26amp; Clerical,Art / TV / Video,Automotive,Banking,Broadcast / Journalism,Construction,Customer Service,Distribution / Shipping,Education / Teaching,Entry Level / New Grad,Executive,General Labor,Government,Grocery,Health Care,Hotel / Hospitality,Human Resources,Information Technology,Insurance,Legal / Legal Admin,Management,Marketing,Media / Journalism / Newspaper,Nonprofit / Social Services,Part Time / Internships,Real Estate,Restaurant / Food Service,Retail,Sales,Skilled Labor / Trades,Telecommunications,Transportation,Warehouse,Other,420’/][contact-field label=’Phone #’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Contact’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Job description / Information to appear in ad.’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
[direct-stripe type=”payment” amount=”2600″ name=”Denver Xposer Magazine” description=”JOB SUBMISSION” label=”Pay now” panellabel=”Pay now”]